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Movie Magic Screenwriter Limitations:

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Video Card w/8MB or greater recommended for Full Page View.iPartner requires Internet connection, optional microphone and speakers for voice chat.CD-ROM drive (network installation not supported).Pentium 300Mhz or greater (Pentium 1Ghz recommended).Movie Magic Screenwriter Requirements: Send documents as email attachments in RTF or Adobe Acrobat PDF formats.Fit width zoom automatically adjusts the text size of your script as you resize the window.Courier MM Screenwriter custom-made font for superior onscreen display and printing-not available anywhere else on the market.Over 30 new templates for a total 104 templates and 12 sample files.

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The Notes panel lets you create and sort color-coded notes & note categories The Bookmarks panel lets you set bookmarks to jump to any place in your document The Scenes panel lets you navigate and sort your scenes at the click of a button The Outline panel lets you add, remove, and rearrange outline elements

  • The NaviDoc technology lets you navigate through your document effortlessly and has four panels:.
  • Integrated outlining lets you create and manipulate outlines up to thirty levels deep.
  • Movie Magic Screenwriter Features: Integrated outlining, online collaboration, the ability to compare drafts of screenplays and the most comprehensive production features of any screenwriting software, all make Movie Magic Screenwriter the clear choice for getting your stories from concept to screen. With a massive set of features designed to make the rewriting process fast and simple you can get from FADE IN: to FADE OUT effortlessly. It also formats for television, stage, novels and comic book scripts so you will have an all-in-one package for any story you want to write. Screenwriter automatically formats while you write so you can focus on what you're writing, not where it goes on the page. Movie Magic Screenwriter is the best selling screenplay formatting software and the choice of Hollywood professionals. Movie Magic Screenwriter Description:

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